Grandparents’ Right to Visit Their Grandchildren
It may be surprising to some parents that that their own parents may petition a court and obtain a court order requiring them to allow grandparent visitation. To most parents the right to make decisions and raise their children as they see fit, including the amount...
Utah Court Continues Its Divorce Education for Children Classes
Utah Courts have been offering a Divorce Education for Children class for several years now. The class is offered to assist children impacted b y divorce. The class helps to identify feelings common to children in divorce situations, while teaching the children how...
July Holidays Causing Chaos in Utah Parent-Time
In 2010, both the Fourth of July holiday and the Utah Pioneer Day holiday, on July 24th, fall on the weekend but courts and some places of business are closed on July 5th and July 23rd because of these holidays. This is enough to cause parents to argue about what the...Gary Coleman’s Ex-wife Files in Utah Court
Following the recent death of Gary Coleman on May 28, 2010, Mr. Coleman’s ex-wife wants to be declared his current wife in Utah Court. Shannon Price and Gary Coleman divorced in 2008, but Ms. Price claims that she and and Mr. Coleman continued to live together...Utah Courts Website Attempts to Answer Some Questions
The Utah Courts’ website has a “Frequently Asked Questions” section about getting a divorce in Utah. Click here for that information. Some of the information is helpful but a lot of it can be misleading to a person who has no experience or legal...Child Support Order from 2007 or Before? Your Child Support Could Increase in 2010!
As most divorced or divorcing parents in Utah know, Utah follows a strict child support guideline that is calculated according to gross income and the number of overnights that each parent has the child or children in a year. Utah Code 78B-12-301 gives the amount of...Utah Protective Order Overview: The Basics
Protective Orders in Utah are governed by the Cohabitant Abuse Act which begins with section 78B-7-101 of Utah Code Annotated. Any victim of past or potential future violence or abuse by a current or past “co-habitant” may request a protective order from a Utah...Asset and Debt Distribution in a Utah Divorce
This blog entry is not a statement of law, but offers an example of how the court may view things generally. There are many many reasons why, in any particular case, a court may do things much differently than portrayed here. However, this will give readers a...Alimony & Divorce: The Hard Truth
Those who ask do not always receive…the truth about asking for alimony.